Prof. Abdus Sattar Mollah
Prof. Abdus Sattar Mollah
Military Institute of Science and Technology, Bangladesh
Ionizing radiation can be obtained from many sources, natural occurring and artificial, such as radioisotopes, nuclear reactors, accelerators. Such ionizing radiation is commonly used in many fields such as nuclear medicine, medical diagnosis and treatment, industrial, agriculture and research. Besides its beneficial uses, ionizing radiation can also cause harm. Necessary protection is thus the first priority when using radiation and radioactive sources. Radiation protection concerns the safety of workers, members of the public at large, and environment, against the harmful effects of ionizing radiation. Radiation protection has become an important subject in nuclear fields since the radioactive sources were used in various fields. A basic component of radiation protection is the availability of sufficient measurement instruments and techniques as well as modeling and assessment methods and shielding computational software. The gradual development of radiation protection technology is expected to continue with gradual improvements in modeling and assessment methods. Radiation works, general people and environment could be protected from radiation through three main methods namely time, distance and shielding. Radiation transport and shielding is indispensable for the safety of nuclear research and power reactors and spent-fuel storage and transport casks, fuel-cycle, handling of radioisotope, cyclotron, gamma-ray irradiators, accelerators, etc., where radiation and radioactive materials are widely used. Different materials are widely used as radiation shielding materials. There are several reasons for developing of new materials in radiation shielding purpose. For example lead is one of the most commonly used materials in gamma-ray shielding which known as a toxic materials with high risk for workers and it is suggested to use lead-free shields. Concrete is widely used in nuclear facilities as an inexpensive shielding material due to its ability to shield both gamma-ray and neutron. The subject of radiation transport and shielding in the nuclear fields is, assessed, and recent advances in the state of the art in the areas of computational techniques and computer codes are described. In Bangladesh, a shielding group was formed to evaluate the different gamma-ray and neutrons interaction parameters for locally developed high density concretes. The progress and prospects for shielding calculation methods such as the Monte Carlo simulation tools which play an important role in radiation shielding calculations especially for the problems with the complicated geometries or compound materials, and shielding experiments used to validate calculation methods are also presented in this paper.

Keywords: Radiation protection, gamma-ray; neutron; radiation shielding analysis; shielding materials, Monte Carlo simulation
Dr. Abdus Sattar Mollah is working as Professor at the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST). Prior to MIST, he was Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, KYA University, where he also held concurrent appointments as Head and Professor, Department of Medical Physics, KYA University. Prior to his tenure at MIST he was a part-time faculty member at the Department of Nuclear Engineering/Department of Bio-Medical Physics and Technology, University of Dhaka for 4 years and Department of Physics, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) for 15 years . He was a Chief Scientific Officer and Director of different divisions under Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission for 32 years. He was a Regular Associate of International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy during 1999-2005. He is the author or co-author of more than 170 articles and book chapters and has delivered more than 30 invited conference and symposium presentations at national and international forums. His research and teaching interests are in nuclear energy, nuclear safety, reactor/health physics, radioactive waste management, radiation shielding analysis, environmental radiation & radioactivity monitoring, medical dosimetry and nuclear science and engineering education. He was the supervisor/joint supervisor of about 30 M. Sc. students, 8 M. Phil. students and 7 Ph.D. students of different public universities. He is a member of American Physical Society, Bangladesh Physical Society, Association of Medical Physicists in India and Bangladesh Medical Physics Association. He is also the member of editorial board of American Journal of Science and Technology, Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, Bangladesh Journal of Medical Physics and Bangladesh Journal of Radiation Protection.