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Template for Manuscripts

Important Dates


Dec. 1-3, 2018

Full Paper Due: Nov. 18, 2018

Abstract Due: Nov. 18, 2018

Audience Registration Due:
Dec. 1, 2018

Call For Papers
The 4th Int'l Conference on Radiation Effects and Radiation Protection (RERP 2018) will be held from December 1-3, 2018 in Sanya, China. You are invited to submit papers and participate in our academic exchange. The conference is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers in the following areas of interest:

Atomistic and Collective Processes of Radiation Effects
Fundamental Knowledge on Atomistic and Electronic Defect Production and Stability
Irradiation-induced Microstructural Evolution and Material Modifications
Fundamentals, Theory and Computer Simulations
Advances in Defect and Material Characterization
Radiation Response of Nanomaterials
Swift Heavy Ion Irradiations
Neutron Irradiations
Laser-solid Interactions
Electron-solid Interactions

Irradiated Materials
Simple and Complex Oxides
Carbides and Nitrides
Ionic Crystals
Semiconductor and Scintillator Materials
Glasses and Silica
Carbon-based Materials
Nanocomposites and Nanostructured Materials

Basic Mechanisms of Radiation Effects in Electronic Materials and Devices
Single-Event Charge Collection Phenomena and Mechanisms
Radiation Transport, Energy Deposition and Dosimetry
Ionizing Radiation Effects
Materials and Device Effects
Displacement Damage
Processing-Induced Radiation Effects

Radiation Effects on Electronic and Photonic Devices and Circuits
Single-Event Effects
MOS, Bipolar and Advanced Technologies
Isolation Technologies, such as SOI and SOS
Optoelectronic and Optical Devices and Systems
Methods for Hardened Design and Manufacturing
Modeling of Devices, Circuits and Systems
Particle Detectors and Associated Electronics for High-Energy Accelerators and Nuclear Power Facilities
Cryogenic or High Temperature Effects
Novel Device Structures, such as MEMs and Nanotechnologies

Radiation Safety and Detection
Radiation Transport and Shielding
Radiation Dosimetry
Radiation Detection and Sensor Technology
Environmental Radiation Measurement and Assessment
Radiological Risk Management
Radiation Protection Philosophy
Policy and Current Radiological issues
Education and Training in Radiation Safety