Prof. Fumio Koyama
Prof. Fumio Koyama
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Fumio Koyama received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in physical electronics from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, in 1980, 1982 and 1985, respectively. He is a professor, Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology. He served as the dean, Institute of Innovative Research between 2018- 2020. His research interest includes VCSEL photonics, photonic integrated devices, 3D optical sensing and LiDAR. He has authored or co-authored more than 1,000 journal and conference papers, including more than 100 invited talks.
For more than 30 years, Fumio Koyama has been one of leading researchers whose work contributed to VCSEL photonics and single-mode lasers for broadband optical communications. He received various awards, including the IEEE Student Paper Award in 1985, the IEE Electronics Letters Premium in 1985 and in 1988, IEICE Paper Awards in 1990, 2002, 2004 and 2007, Marubun Scientific Award in 1998, the Ichimura Award in 2004, the IEICE Electronics Society Award in 2006, the MEXT Prize for Science and Technology in 2007, IEEE/LEOS William Streifer Scientific Achievement Award in 2008, the 2012 Izuo Hayashi Award from the Japanese Society of Applied Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Award in 2015 and the Ichimura Prize in Industry for Excellent Achievement from the New Technology Development Foundation in 2016, the 32nd Kenjiro Sakurai Memorial Award from the Optoelectronics Industry and Technology Development Association in 2017, Okawa Award in 2018 and Nick Holonyak, Jr. Award from OSA in 2019 and IEICE Achievement Award in 2019. He is Fellow of IEEE, OSA, IEICE and the Japan Society of Applied Physics.
He was a deputy editor for IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology (2011-2016) and a topical editor for OSA Optics Letters (2009-2013), and was the Guest Editor of IEEE JSTQE (2002 and 2007). He has served as the IEEE David Sarnoff Award Committee Member (2009-2012) and the IEEE Fink and Baker Awards Committee Member (2013-2014). He also has served as various committee members, including General Chair (2010), Program Chair (2008) and Sub-committee Chair (2006) of IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conferences, Subcommittee Co-Chair of ACP 2009-2010, Steering Committee Chair of CLEO Pacific-Rim (2012-), CLEO/QELS TPC member (2006-2008), LEOS Annual Meeting TPC member (1998-2003), General Co-chair (2007) and Program Co-chair (2005) OECC. He was the chair of IEEE Photonics Society Japan Chapter and Board Member of IEEE Tokyo Section. He also served as President of Electronics Society, the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) (2011-2012) and the member of IEEE Photonics Society Board of Governors (2012-2014)