Prof. Wen-Feng Wang
Prof. Wen-Feng Wang
International Academy of Visual Art and Engineering, UK
Prof. Wen-Feng Wang is an evaluation expert for National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Excellent Youth Fund (overseas projects), National Publishing Fund and Shanghai Government Procurement, and Shanghai Enterprise Technological Innovation Project. He is the Editor in Chief of International Journal of Applied Nonlinear Science, one editorial board member of Nature-scientific reports, the general chair of the 3DWCAI, the chief scientist of Shanghai Lingang Artificial Intelligence Lab, the chief scientist in the field of big data and intelligent computing of RealMax, and in 2021, he was selected as "100 people in the intelligent era" of China. He is now a professor of Shanghai Institute of Technology, a tenured professor of IMT Institute in India and the director of Sino-Indian Joint Research Center of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. He has been invited as a reviewer for tens of SCI journals, including some top ones - Nature Computational Science, Expert System with Applications, Water Research, Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Pollution, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. He has been invited as keynote speakers of many influential Springer-Nature conferences and has been invited to give special reports to many famous institutes in China and U.S. He motivated the foundation of the International Academy of Visual Arts and Engineering in London in 2021 to promote the novel applications of artificial intelligence in visual arts and visual engineering. As a well-known scholar in artificial intelligence, he has participated in THE's Global Academic Reputation Survey at the invitation of THE to determine the World University Reputation Ranking in 2022 and the World University Ranking in 2023. Title:Extenics in face recognition: from a complex 2D scene to the 3D scene