Prof. Irina Shtangeeva
Prof. Irina Shtangeeva
Institute of Earth Sciences, St. Petersburg State University, Russia
标题: About significance and phytotoxicity of poorly studied trace elements
Although information about concentrations of trace elements in different plant species is quite extensive, list of the well-studied elements is rather short. The knowledge about many other trace elements is scarce and contradictory. Up to now few investigations have been conducted on biogeochemistry of many trace elements that always present in different plants. Usually concentrations of the elements in plants are rather low and attempts to determine the elements are not necessarily successful.
During last years significant progress has been made towards our knowledge of the processes of uptake and pathways of various chemical elements in plants. More trace elements were recognized as essential. We proceed from the assumption that all chemical elements are essential for normal function of plants. An uncertainty about significance of one or another trace element may be due to first of all insufficient quality of analytical techniques used now for determination of some trace elements. The possibilities of ICP-MS analytical method that widely used for elemental analysis of plant samples in some cases are not sufficient. Another analytical technique, neutron activation analysis enables to determine with high sensitivity and accuracy a wide range of both trace and macro-elements directly in the plant material without any pre-treatment of samples. This allows to increase the quality of analyses and to obtain more detailed information on accumulation in plants the elements that have not been studied yet. In the research, we performed both greenhouse and field experiments using different plant species to study uptake from soil and further distribution between plant parts poorly investigated trace elements. Multivariate statistical analysis was applied to the experimental data in order to estimate the relationships between the trace elements and essential plant nutrients to gain some insight into the biological significance or possible phytotoxicity of the little studied elements.
Affiliation and work address:
Institute of Earth Sciences, St. Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab., 7/9, St. Petersburg 199034 Russia, Tel: 007 812 687-61-22, E-mail: shtangeeva@gmail.com

2014 – senior researcher,InstituteofEarth Sciences,St. PetersburgUniversity
2006 – 2014 senior researcher, Chemical Department,St. PetersburgUniversity
1999 - 2006 - senior researcher,InterdisciplinaryCenter,St. PetersburgUniversity
1991 -1999 - senior researcher,InstituteofEarth Crust,St. PetersburgUniversity
1983 -1991 - researcher,InstituteofEarth Crust,St. PetersburgUniversity
1979 -1983 - junior research scientist,InstituteofEarth Crust,St. PetersburgUniversity
1978 -1979 - engineer,InstituteofEarth Crust,St. PetersburgUniversity

Main scientific interests:
Ecology, biogeochemistry, multivariate statistics and modelling, modern analytical techniques