Prof. Biping Gong
Prof. Biping Gong
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
标题: On the kinematics of Jet motion of Black hole systems

Faster than light or superluminal motion was originally predicted as a relativistic illusion of ballistic moving ejecta, and confirmed in a number of sources observationally. However, the recent results of the long bas line observations display vertical acceleration motion of ejecta, which are unexpected by the ballistic scenario.

This indicates the existence of non-ballistic jet motion, in which a continuous jet produces a discrete hot spot. And the precession of such a hot spot in the plane of the sky appears superluminal. Therefore, a unified and simple interpretation to the new results is obtained, which is of importance in the understanding of the nature of superluminal motion, the interaction of jets and surrounding materials, as well as the common physics underlying quasars and microquasars.