Prof. Quentin A Parker
Prof. Quentin A Parker
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China)
标题: 1. The emergence of Space Science at the University of Hong Kong 2. Late Stage stellar evolution and the Hong-Kong / AAO/ Strasbourg H-alpha Planetary Nebulae research platform: HASH
1. I will describe the emergence of Space Science a the University of Hong Kong with the establishment of the Laboratory for Space Research (www.lsr.hku.hk). Our vision, collaborations and current projects will be presented.

2. The recent science research results from the HKU late stage stellar evolution group will also be presented with particular emphasis on our most recent Nature Astronomy and related papers and plans
Current Position
Associate Dean (Global), Faculty of Science, the University of Hong Kong;
Director, Laboratory for Space Research; member Academic Senate & Court

Academic Qualifications
BSc (Honours), 1982; PhD 1986, St. Andrews University, UK

Main areas of disciplinary and interdisciplinary research and teaching expertise
Wide-field, multi-wavelength astronomical surveys, late stage stellar evolution, Space Science, Supernova remnants, Galactic archaeology, galaxy redshift surveys, Astronomical instrumentation particularly narrow-band filters, multi-object fibre-based spectroscopy systems and integral field units, science education and pedagogical innovation (high school and tertiary), Chinese bronze antiquities and interdisciplinary studies.