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Chul‑Sik Kee
Prof. Chul‑Sik Kee
Division of Applied Photonics System Research, Advanced Photonics Research Institute, Republic of Korea
Title:  Highly efficient graphene terahertz modulators based on guided mode resonance
Graphene-based optical modulators have been extensively studied owing to the high mobility and tunable permittivity of graphene. However, weak graphene-light interactions make it difficult to achieve a high modulation depth with low energy consumption. Enhancing the graphene-light interaction is necessary for application of graphene in optical devices. This talk presents that quasi-bound state in the continuum (BIC) and electromagnetically-induced-transparency-like (EIT-like) transmission make the interaction significantly strong because they support an ultra-high quality factor. Both quasi-BIC and EIT transmission come from the guided mode resonance. The strongly enhanced light-graphene interaction from the quasi-BIC and EIT transmission enable fine variation of the transmission at the resonant wavelength with small Fermi level shift. The proposed schemes can be utilized in active optical devices to require low power consumption.

■ Education

      2000 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Ph.D., Physics)


■ Work Experience

      2021–2023 Vice Director

     Present: Head Research Scientist, Advanced Photonics Research Institute, GIST, Korea


■ Research Interests

      - Nanophotonics/ Metamaterials / Plasmonics/ THz photonics


■ Professional Activities

      - Chair of Optical Science Division, Optical Society of Korea