Dr. Devbrat Pundhir
Dr. Devbrat Pundhir
R.B.S. Engineering Technical Campus, India

Mr. Devbrat Pundhir has received his B.Sc. (Physics) and M.Sc. (Physics) degrees from Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra. Mr. Pundhir joined the Seismo-Electromagnetics and Space Research Laboratory (SRSRL), Bichpuri, Agra, India as a Junior Research Fellow in 2013. Recently, he completed his Ph. D in Physics from Banasthali University, Rajasthan, India. His research field is Electromagnetic and Space Science. He has published more than fifteen research papers in reputed journals at National and International level. He has also published a book on his master’s research work. He has served as referee of several International and National journals. Dr. Pundhir is an editorial board member of International Journals in Electrical Engineering (IJEE). He also worked as the technical programme committee member of International conferences held in China. Currently, he is serving as Assistant Professor in Physics at R. B. S. Engineering Technical Campus, Bichpuri, Agra, India and also look after the Sesimo-electromangetic & Space Research Laboratory in the institute. The research interest of Dr. Pundhir is to confirm a true precursor of earthquakes using GPS based measurements of F-region total electron content (TEC) and use them for the development of a suitable model for Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling (LAIC) and Nonlinear optics.